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Curriculum Intent

Belsay Primary School aims to develop citizens of global change through equipping them with knowledge and understanding of world affairs to help them to be informed members of society with a strong sense of social responsibility and justice. 

The Design and Technology curriculum is centred around the design of objects, understanding of how things work and how things are made and knowledge of how to join, fix, make and use materials effectively.  Through D&T children will learn how to design, make, evaluate and use particular skills to achieve an outcome.

Through our DT curriculum, children will be inspired by key events, engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real life purpose.

The DT Curriculum aims to develop our children as inquisitive, creative learners who demonstrate skills across a range of design techniques, demonstrating a thirst for knowledge and a desire to improve their own practice.

Children are taught to explore, develop, express and reason values and opinions, supporting them to make informed choices about how they engage with the world around them.  The children will have a deep understanding of their place in the world and understand how Design and Technology can be used to shape, inspire, communicate and evoke emotion.


  • The National Curriculum has been broken down into four key concepts, Designing, Making, Evaluation and Technical Knowledge. This enables the children to systematically approach and develop skills across the different strands we cover in our lessons (textiles, mechanisms, structures, mechanical systems, electrical systems and cooking and nutrients).

  • Our curriculum is underpinned by the Oxfam Education for Global Citizenship with seven global learning themes developing knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes.

  • Our school values serve to add integrity to attitudes and responses to the subject and to improve the learning environment

  • From Reception through to Year Six children are taught to critique, respond to, refine and evaluate.

  • Children are exposed to an extensive range of vocabulary which builds year on year.

The attachment below sets out additional content to support the Global Curriculum as outlined in the Long Term Curriculum Plan.